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Audit Report

From Rossica Nenova Trendafilova
Certified Public Accountant Diploma No 0359

To Management Board of Association for Good Clinical Practice and Clinical Research Development in Bulgaria

We have performed an audit on the enclosed accounting report of the Association for Good Clinical Practice and Clinical Research Development in Bulgaria up to 31.07.2003. The responsibility for preparing this financial report belongs to the management of the Association. Our responsibility is to express an auditor’s opinion, based only on the performed audit.

Our audit was performed in accordance with the professional requirements of the International Audit Standards. These standards require that the audit be planned and performed in such a way that we could become certain to a reasonable extent that the financial report does not contain substantial inaccuracies, deviations and inadequacies. The audit includes a check based on tests on the proofs about the sums and announcements, presented in the financial report. The audit also includes an assessment of the applied accounting principles and the essential approximate evaluations, made by the management, as well as the complete representation in the financial report. We think that the audit we have performed is a reasonable basis for our auditor’s opinion.

As a result we certify that the financial report gives a true and honest picture of the property and financial status of the association up to 31.07.2003, as well as the results of its activity.

Certified Public Accountant Diploma
Rossica Trendafilova, signed


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