BUCIF What is BUCIF On 10-11th May 2004 the Association for Good Clinical Practice and Clinical Research Development in Bulgaria & European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) organised a Seminar on the Implementation of the EU Directive on Good Clinical Practice in Bulgaria. A proposal for establishing a Bulgarian Clinical Investigators Forum as a part of the Association was discussed.
The proposal for the establishment of a Bulgarian Clinical Investigators Forum (BUCIF) aims to help the development of the clinical research in Bulgaria and at the same time to give the members the opportunity to exchange ideas and to collaborate in the development of highly professional working standards while conducting clinical trials. Objectives of BUCIF 1. To advance clinical research in Bulgaria for the improvement of public health.
2. To exchange knowledge and experience among clinical research investigators.
3. To advocate for, and develop, a clinical trials infrastructure in Bulgaria.
4. To develop cooperation between public and private organisations and individuals involved in clinical trials.
5. In cooperation with the Bulgarian Forum for Members of Ethics Committees (BUMEC), to advocate and develop the protection of the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of research participants.
6. BUCIF will seek affiliation with the European Clinical Research Network (ECRIN) and the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER).
7. To coordinate with other national and international organisations involved with clinical research of research in human subjects.
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