BUMEC What is BUMEC The improvement of the ethical review in Bulgaria could only be achieved by serious commitment of all interested parties, particularly the members of Ethics Committees.
On 5-6th June 2003 the Association for Good Clinical Practice And Clinical Research Development in Bulgaria & European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) organised a Workshop on the Development of Ethical Review in Bulgaria and Establishing Best Practice in Conjunction with National, European and International Guidance. A proposal for establishing a Bulgarian Forum for the members of Ethics Committees as a part of the Association was discussed and accepted.
The establishment of an independent Bulgarian Forum of the Local Ethics Committees (BUMEC) aims to help the development of the ethical review in Bulgaria and at the same time to give the members the opportunity to exchange ideas and to collaborate in the development of highly professional working standards in the Ethics Committees. BUMEC will be an associate organization of WHO/TDR Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER). BUMEC will provide for a constant contact of the Bulgarian members of the Ethics Committees with the ethical review in Europe and the rest of the world.
Objectives of BUMEC 1. Intercession and consolidation of the protection of the dignity, rights, security and well being of the clinical trial subjects.
2. Exchange of knowledge and experience between the Ethics Committees
3. Assistance and development of the system of the ethical review of the clinical trials on humans
4. BUMEC is an associate organization of WHO/TDR Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER) until the establishment of the European Forum, through which BUMEC will be represented in SIDCER and will work in collaboration with other organizations for protection of the personal rights of the participants in the clinical trials on human beings.
5. Coordination with other national and international organizations working in the field of the ethical review of clinical trials on human beings. Current structure of BUMEC Chairperson - Prof. Nina Bakracheva
Co-Chairperson - Assoc. Prof. Regina Djerassi
Secretary - Dr. Vassil Stoyanovski
Ethics Officer - Assoc. Prof. Yavor Ivanov
Education Officer - Prof. Milenkov
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